Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Easy Solar Energy Intergration

As solar energy becomes a daily part of our lives, it is important to notice how easy it is o integrate solar technology into our lives. Here are some of the most interesting and space efficient ways to incorporate green technologies into your home or business:

1. Solar Trees

Dell's compound in Round Rock, Texas installed a "Solar Grove" that puts out 130 kW. The Solar Trees provide shade for parked cars, energy for the Dell headquarters, and saves the company money on their electric bill all while using previously unusable space.

2. Unique Solar Energy for the Home

With consumers looking to save a little money on their electricity bill while reducing their carbon footprint, solar shingles are an attractive and affordable way to integrate or design future homes that produce their own electricity.

Solar Shingles:

3. A Solar Pope?

Paul VI Audience Hall has 24,000 photvoltaic panels. The solar power energy is being used specifically for lighting, heating, and cooling. Here are some other facts about the Vatican project:

  • The roof will produce arouond 300 megawatt hours of energy
  • The project will cost $1.6 million
  • The Vatican will reduce their carbon footprint by 225 tons of CO2 emissions

For more information on Green Solar technologies check out:

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