Sunday, December 13, 2009

Top Secret: A Bacteria that Finds Land Mines

Remember in the James Bond movie, Die Another Day, when the villain's satellite of doom shot a powerful laser down from space and destroyed all the land mines separating North and South Korea? In case you don't, here's what happened to the land mines:

But thanks to science, North Korea won't need a satellite of doom, they'll need bacteria. Scientist have invented a bacteria that lights up around land mines.

It seems like something straight out of a science fiction film, but this new bacteria is very real. According to the BBC, the "scientists produced the bacteria using a new technique called BioBricking, which manipulates packages of DNA." The bacteria is then mixed into a colorless solution, "which forms green patches when sprayed onto ground where mines are buried." The bacterial stew can also be dropped via airplane in extremely sensitive areas.
Original Article Link

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