Saturday, September 4, 2010

Solar Panel News

Black Silicon Solar Cells
[Cheap + More Efficient]

New Black Silicon Solar Cells, developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory [NREL], are cheap and absorb more energy from the sun making them more efficient. The black silicon solar cells have thousands of tiny holes in each silicon wafer, causing them to appear black while simultaneously allowing them to absorb almost all the suns rays.

These cells are also quick, easy, and cheap to manufacture:

"By mixing gold and chemicals into a cocktail and spraying it on silicon, they were able to create a black silicon wafer in under 3 minutes at room temperature. At 100 degrees Fahrenheit they can do it in less than a minute — this bodes well for mass manufacturing..." which makes these cells perfect for Operation Green Goods. [Inhabitat]

SkyFuel's SkyTrough
[Solar Concentrators]

SkyTrough uses solar collectors to increase the efficiency of the system's collectors and its ability to concentrate/follow the sun. SkyFuel, the US based solar company, claims that their solar concentrators have a thermal efficiency that exceeds standard by 73%. This statement was just confirmed by the NREL, which placed SkyTrough as the most efficient solar concentrator in it's class. [Inhabitat]

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