Thursday, September 30, 2010

New Earth Like Planet Found

Photo From NYTimes

Gliese [Glee-za] 581g is 20 light-years away. The planet orbits a star similar to our sun in the Libra constellation known as Gliese 581. After 11 years of research, the University of California, Santa Cruz, and the Carnegie Institution of Washington made the discovery.

The planet, unfortunately, is 20 light years away, which means if we sent a probe out there, we wouldn't get any information back for another 200 years.

NASA's Kepler satellite is currently looking to "detect Earthlink bodies... [and] is expected to harvest dozens." (New York Times) Who knows how many earth like planets we will find in the next 10 years.

If you are interested in new earth movies, I would suggest you check out the movie Pandorum, where Tanis is another planet like Earth.

Sources: [New York Times] [YouTube - Associated Press]

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